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Student Nurses Association Logo

2024-2025 SNA Board of Directors

President: Patric Bridge, Level 4/BSN;

Vice President: Harrison Kolar, Level 4/BSN;

Montrose Campus SNA Liaison: Jessica Brennecke, ASN;

Secretary: Marie Schweizer, Level 3/BSN;

Treasurer: Andrey Sprosty, Level 2/BSN;

Social Media Coordinator: Tania Rodriguez, ASN;

Club Advisory Board Representative: Sabrina Carmichael, Level 3/BSN;

Lunch and Learn Coordinators: Rachel Zlomke, Level 3/BSN;

Faculty Advisers:

Megan Radloff, MSN, RN, Assistant Professor of Nursing (

Jennifer Radomski, MSN, RN, Assistant Professor of Nursing (

SNA Mission

The Student Nurses Association is committed to providing a forum for nursing and pre-nursing students to gather and network, to serve the greater community through volunteering and to raise awareness about the world of nurses and all that it is.

What does SNA do?

The SNA volunteers time with local charities and health fairs. We work to give back to the community. We do this by volunteering in a variety of different ways, from food drives to blood draws. We also coordinate monthly lunch and learns to educate the community about various topics in the health care field. Look for a schedule of events coming soon on our calendar or our Instagram at CMUSNA.

SNA Constitution & Bylaws

The Student Nurses Association (SNA) at Colorado Mesa University is nationally recognized and maintains close contact with the National Student Nurses Association.

In regards to the recent events, the Student Nurses Association does not condone any persecutory remarks about race, religion, or gender. We uphold the highest level of professionalism and respect as a group and as students in the nursing program.

SNA Meetings

First Monday of every month at 4-5pm in HS 165


Monday, September 2nd
Monday, October 7th
Monday, November 4th
Monday, December 2nd
Monday, February 3rd
Monday, March 3rd
Monday, April 7th
Monday, May 5th

SNA Lunch and Learn

Check our social media outlets for updates on days, times, and locations